Rand, Archie Some Thoughts on Midrash as Art: Midrash as Parable, [essay], #6, p.02-04 Fifty-four Chapter Paintings – Installation, [visual art], #6, p.03 Shmot, Detail, [visual art], #6, p.06 Miketz, Detail, [visual art], #6, p.08 Ki Tetzei, Detail, [visual art], #6, p.13 Vayera, Detail, [visual art], #6, p.17 Vayelech, Detail, [visual art], #6, p.22 Acharei Mot, Detail, [visual art], #6, p.23 B’chukotai, Detail, [visual art], #6, p.40 Chayai Sarah, Detail, [visual art], #6, p.43 Va’etchanan, Detail, [visual art], #6, front cover, p.24 |
Reich, Asher Book, The, [poetry], #5, p.05 |
Ritch, Carol Rebecca, [exploration], #2, p.41 |
Robbins, Jane Marla Miriam’s Dance, Excerpt from, [drama], #6, p.29-30 |
Rohmer, Harriet This Place, [exploration], #2, p.40 |
Rooks, Gaylia R. Kindling White Fire, [exploration], #1, p.44 |
Rosenberg, Joel King Holds Audience, The, [poetry], #3, p.12-13 |
Rosenthal, Judy Sirota You Shall Draw Forth Water in Joy, [visual art], #1, front cover, p.22 Experimental Jewish Art: Midrash, [excursion], #6, p.35-37 |
Rothbaum, Susan Hannah’s Dream, [poetry], #7, p.33 |
Rubinstein, Rochelle Vanity of Vanities, [visual art], #1, p.32 |
Sandberg, Ruth Ancient Roots of Jewish Folk Midrash, The, [essay], #5, p.06-10 |
Sasso, Sandy Once Upon a Time and Forever: The Rabbi as Storyteller, [essay], #8, p.13-15 |
Scharfman, Ronnie East of Eden, [exploration], #6, p.39 |
Schick, Melissa Gold and Purple, [exploration], #8, p.41-42 |
Schmidt, Judith Joseph’s Bones, [poetry], #4, p.18-19 Why did I Make Your Heart Harden, [poetry], #4, p.19 |
Schoenfeld, Devorah Life for a Life, A, [poetry], #7, p.22-23 |
Schram, Peninnah Storytelling and Midrash, [excursion], #5, p.40-42 |
Schwartz, Cherie Karo Will You Draw Us Out?, [narrative], #5, p.17-19 |
Schwartz, Howard Abraham in Egypt, [narrative], #2, p.12-23 |
Seltzer, Debra Rape of Dinah, The, [drama], #1, p.05-11 |
Shapiro, Aliza On Choreographies of Taking from the Tree, [essay], #6, p.31-34 |
Skurnik, Jonathan Wind Photographs, [visual art], #6, p.31, 33, 34 |
Smith, Pete Abraham Questions, [exploration], #8, p.40 |
Spatz, Virginia Cain Discovers Infinity, [exploration], #6, p.41 Japheth and Son, [exploration], #6, p.41 |
Stavroulakis, Niklos Moses and Joshua, [visual art], #7, p.02 Midrash on the Book of Proverbs, A, [artist’s statement], #7, p.03-04 David and Jonathan, [visual art], #7, p.05 Noah, [visual art], #7, p.07 Jonah, [visual art], #7, p.10 Cain and Abel, [visual art], #7, p.22 Esther, [visual art], #7, p.25 Samson and Delilah, [visual art], #7, p.31 Rebecca, [visual art], #7, p.33 Joseph, [visual art], #7, p.36 Saul, [visual art], #7, p.39 Ruth, [visual art], #7, front Cover |
Stein, Renata Creating Visual Midrash, [essay], #2, p.03-04 Crossroads, [visual art], #2, p.04 And David Played the Harp, [visual art], #2, p.09 Akeida – There is Vision…, [visual art], #2, p.14 Nomad Sand, [visual art], #2, p.19 And the Wall Fell Down, [visual art], #2, p.29 By the Waters of Babylon, [visual art], #2, p.34 Leah and Rachel, [visual art], #2, p.36 Jacob’s Ladder, [visual art], #2, p.43 Jacob Set Up a Pillar, [visual art], #2, front cover, p.03 |
Stein, Toby Dutiful Leah, [narrative], #7, p.16-18 Time Passes, Blame Passes, [narrative], #7, p.18-21 |
Steinberg, Janice Eve Eats Her Words, [narrative], #7, p.06-07 |
Strimling, Arthur Jochebed’s Breast, [exploration], #4, p.40-41 Sarah Sees: A Shofar Story, [drama], #8, p.08-12 |
Swartz, Sue Inside Sodom’s Gates, [exploration], #8, p.39 |
Tucker, JoAnne Dance Midrashist, [excursion], #4, p.36-38 |
Walton, Rivkah M. Rock, The, [narrative], #1, p.21-22 Prince of Egypt: Cause for Celebration and Care, [editorial], #4, p.02 Birthing, The, [narrative], #5, p.16 Disturbing Boundaries, [essay], #6, p.16-20 Snakeskin, [poetry], #8, p.24 The Coat, They Say, [poetry], #8, p.25 |
Washburn, Kelly Tzvia Interview: Marge Piercy, [interview], #2, p.07-11 |
Weisberg, Ruth Artist’s Statement, [essay], #5, p.02-04 Sisters and Brothers (interior view), [visual art], #5, p.03 Struggle, The, [visual art], #5, p.04 Reconcilliation, [visual art], #5, p.09 Witness, [visual art], #5, p.25 Leah and Rachel, [visual art], #5, p.26 Esau, [visual art], #5, p.36 Struggle: Leah and Rachel, [visual art], #5, p.41 Rachel, [visual art], #5, p.45 Sisters and Brothers (exerior view), [visual art], #5, front cover |
Wenkart, Henny Esther and Hegai, [narrative], #6, p.05-09 |
Windle, Susan Prodigal Daughter, [poetry], #5, p.20 Lost Coin, The, [poetry], #5, p.21 |
Zevit, Shawn Israel Midrashic Moments, [excursion], #1, p.40-42 Midrashic Moments from the Book of Ruth, [excursion], #1, p.43 Psalm 27, [music], #5, p.22-23 |