ICM Honor Roll
The Institute for Contemporary Midrash gratefully acknowledges the following people and organizations who made its work possible between 1996 and 2015 –
Every effort has been made to compile complete lists – if your name has inadvertently been overlooked, please accept our appreciation – and apologies for the oversight – and contact us, so that we may update our lists. Thank you.

ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal for fiscal sponsorship
Righteous Persons Foundation for major grants for operating funds
Nathan Cummings Foundation for major support of the:
- 1996 Bibliodrama Training Institute.
- 1997 ICM Summer Training Intensives.
- 1998 ICM Summer Training Intensives and year-round programming.
- 1999 ICM Summer Training Intensives.
Charles H. Revson Foundation for support of the first issue of Living Text
Albert E. Marks Charitable Trust for support of the 1996 Bibliodrama Training Institute
Rita Poretsky Foundation for additional support of ICM’s summer training programs and our comprehensive brochure
…as well as all of our individual donors and more than 600 members, subscribers and volunteers.
Living Text Contributors
Please see the Author/Artist Index for a list of the authors and artists who so generously contributed their work to the eight issues of Living Text: The Journal of Contemporary Midrash.
Special appreciation to Rabbi Jonathan Kremer for his outstanding graphic design, which makes every issue of Living Text a delight to read.
Senior Staff Members
Founding Director
Rivkah Walton, MFA
Editors, Living Text
Rabbi Jill Hammer, PhD (No. 2-8)
Rabbi Naomi Hyman (No. 1)
Teaching Artists
Baker Suzanne Benton
Moshe Budmor, PhD, z”l
Amy L. Clarkson, MMT
Enid Dame, PhD, z”l
Sears Eldredge, PhD
Rabbi Susan Fendrick
Rabbi Paula R. Goldberg
Beth Haber
Kezia Gleckman Hayman
Rabbi Naomi Mara Hyman
Jo Milgrom, PhD
Susan Moser
Deborah Baer Mozes
Alicia Suskin Ostriker, PhD
Peter Pitzele, PhD
Marilyn Price
Peninnah Schram
Rabbi Margot L. Stein
Arthur Strimling
Newman Taylor
Rabbi Max Ticktin, z”l
JoAnne Tucker, PhD
Rivkah Walton, MFA
Rabbi Shawn Israel Zevit
Rotating Executive & Advisory
Board Members
Rabbi Tsvi Blanchard
Moshe Budmor, PhD, z”l
The Rev. Canon Lloyd S. Casson
Aliya Cheskis-Cotel
Sonia Simon Cummings
Rabbi Norman J. Cohen
David Curzon, PhD
Rabbi Eliezer Diamond
Ari Elon, PhD
Ellen Frankel, PhD
Jerry Garfield
Rabbi Shoshana Gelfand
Rabbi Mark Gellman
Ruth Goldston, PhD
Joel Lurie Grishaver
Beth Haber
Barry W. Holtz, PhD
Rabbi Linda Holtzman
Rabbi Naomi Mara Hyman
Richard M. Joel
Lisa Kapin, z”l
Judith A. Kates, PhD
David Kraemer, PhD
Björn Krondorfer, PhD
Arthur Kurzweil
Rabbi Lawrence Kushner
Samuel Laeuchli, PhD, OBM
The Rev. Christopher M. Leighton
Liz Lerman
Stuart M. Matlins
The Rev. Loren B. Mead
Jo Milgrom, PhD
Ian S. Miller, PhD
Miriam Minkoff
Deborah Baer Mozes
Alicia Ostriker, PhD
Peter A. Pitzele, PhD
Judith Plaskow, PhD
Rabbi Marcia Prager
Joel Rosenberg, PhD
Judy Sirota Rosenthal
Evelyn Rothchild-Laeuchli, PhD
Peninnah Schram
Howard Schwartz, PhD
Rabbi Daniel I. Siegel
Richard A. Siegel, z”l
Rt. Rev. John Shelby Spong, OMB
Rabbi Margot Stein
Rabbi Burton L. Visotzky
Ruth Weisberg, MFA
Bruce Whizin
Shelley Whizin
Rabbi Shohama Harris Wiener
Rabbi David Zaslow
Rabbi Shawn Israel Zevit
Noam Zion