Living Text – Reader Reviews

Living Text is a wonderful resource for rabbis, teachers and students of Torah – chock full of insights and innovations to understand Torah and make it come alive.
Norman J. Cohen
Provost, HUC-JIR
Depending on where you are on the religious-secular spectrum, some things in Living Text will excite you, some will warm your heart, some will unsettle you, and some will inspire you; but all of them will open your mind and challenge you to think about the sources more deeply. Who could ask anything more of a text?
Blu Greenberg
Author of On Women and Judaism
Living Text is unlike any journal I’ve ever seen but now, having read it, I wonder how anyone who cares about biblical text ever lived without it. This unique periodical makes modern midrash through classical exposition, poetry, music, drama, and personal testimony – an intoxicating blend that is simultaneously scholarly and provocative, moving and enlightlening, culturally rich and just plain fun to read.
Letty Cottin Pogrebin
Author of Deborah, Golda and Me: Being Female and Jewish in America
The legacy of the Oral Torah is alive and flourishing in these pages.
The title Living Text says it all.
Howard Schwartz
Author of Reimagining the Bible: The Storytelling of the Rabbis
Reviewers are identified in the positions they held when their comments were received.
I received a copy of Living Text No. 1. The issue is extraordinary!
- Graphically, it is beautiful.
- The editorial content is excellent.
- The quality is consistently high.
- The diversity is admirable
Bravo! You and your colleagues should be extremely proud of this magnificent contribution.
Arthur Kurzweil
Vice President
Jason Aronson Inc. Publishers
Living Text is more than a Journal. It is a meeting place – where we once again meet old texts, in new ways; where we meet new voices and new faces which reveal to us their meeting of texts; where we see what we didn’t see before. It is a place I look forward to returning to.
Rabbi Nina Beth Cardin
Editor, Sh’ma: A Journal of Jewish Responsibility